Download psv file for tekken 3
Download psv file for tekken 3

Click ok buttons until all of the dialogs are closed.If you choose plugin,you have to go to Config=>Plugin/Bios Selector=>Plugins=>CDVD=>choose Linuzappz ISO=>Apply=>click the Configure button on CDVD and configure Linuzappz ISO and either select the image by clicking on the "Select Iso" button or leave the field empty(that way Lunuzappz ISO will always ask you want to load.I prefer this so I'm using it for the guide).If you choose Image,you must select the image you created from the Iso Selector=>Browse menu.Second,another warning because you didn't added a label for the image so click Yes=>Ok=>Ok and that's all from ImgBurn.First it will ask if you want to add only the files if you added only a single save\folder so choose NO.Click on the big folder to image icon on the left side and.Again on the right side,switch to the Advanced tab=>Restrictions=>Joliet=>enable "Allow Files Without Extension".On the right side switch to the Options tab and for file system choose ISO9660 + Joliet.Open ImgBurn=>Mode=>Build=>drag-drop the folder you just created with the save files to the field below Source.Open your save with PS2 Save Builder=>copy the Root\ID=>select all of the files=>right click=>Extract=>Create a new folder with the Root\ID you just copied for the name and save the files inside.On some Operating systems mymc won't work for some reason,so here is how to do it without mymc. If you can't use mymc but want PSV save,just skip the steps after you extract the save and continue with the guide below.When you create you save just use mymc to import the mymc supports only those formats) Now click on the diskette icon or File=>Save As and choose from Save as Type.Now copy the name of the folder that PSV Explorer created and paste it to the Root/ID of PS2 Save Builder. Open the program,select all the files inside the folder that PSV Explorer created and drag-drop them into the PS2 Save Builder window.Now we are going to use another program,PS2 Save Builder(also included in the package).You'll find some files inside.Click on the third icon(all) or File=>Export All Files=>choose where to be extracted(for example on your desktop)and click ok.After you download your save use the program called PSV Explorer(included in the attachment).Open the program,click on the first icon or File=>Open PSV and select your PSV save.

Download psv file for tekken 3